What’s the intimacy feel like?
“Relationships are
all there is.
Everything in the universe only exists
because it is in relationship
to everything else.
Nothing exists in isolation.
We have to stop pretending we are individuals that can go it alone.”
-Margaret J. Wheatley

Sex is a natural part of our human experience but without connection, we can become disinterested, turned-off, and can even experience pain during sex.
Unlearning habits is not easy, but some behaviors may be inhibiting your ability to connect with others. A sex coach can unearth what is standing in your way and give clear concise feedback.
You don’t need connection to have sex but connection is a part of good sex. You’ll receive feedback about what you can do to create the deep connections that you are yearning for. Physically, emotionally, and mentally you can create the atmosphere to allow the connection to and from your partner to grow and flourish.
Everyone is searching for belonging, we all want to feel like we fit in- somewhere. Our human need of acceptance can bring isolation when a disconnection is not healed. Learning how to repair and reconnect with yourself is the starting point to be able to connect vulnerably with others.

Sexuality and our core desires can seem like a mystery to be solved. Unlocking the truth to what makes you tingle, shudder, and love sex, can be empowering and liberating. Your feminine needs to feel connection and intimacy may seem like a stark contrast to your deep desire to be ravished and left breathless. We’ll unveil the desires that can create your peak sexual experiences.
Fantasy, curiosity, and desire- what does it all mean? You may be surprised to know these are about more than just physical satisfaction. We’ll explore and I’ll help you learn how to get your relationship and connection needs met so that sex is not just satisfying, but toe- curling ecstasy.